
Monday, June 6, 2016

Blogiversary Guest Post: My Annual Struggle: (aka) the Summer Reading List with Glynis Astie, author of Gamer Girl

My Annual Struggle: (aka) the Summer Reading List

        Is it me or does it seem like everything we do in life requires a list? Think about it—we all have bucket lists, to-do lists, shopping lists, travel lists and maybe if we’re really crazy, a list of things to make lists about. Some of these lists are more fun to jot down than others (What to take to Hawaii? Sign me up!), but they all serve a purpose just the same.

Every spring, two important things happen in my life: I release a new book and I make my summer reading list. Summer is my rest period following months of writing, editing, *stressing* and promoting. It’s the time when I happily keep up with folks through social media, but my imaginary friends are given a much-needed sabbatical. (It’s hard to be hilarious year round! Everyone needs time to develop some new material.) And while they’re busy cooking up something good, I’m delving into the books I’ve been trying to get to for months.

Sure, I’ll fall down a Netflix or Hulu spiral every once in a while (okay, more like once a week), but most of my spare time is spent reading. Mwahahahahahaha! My genre of choice is, of course, chick lit. I love to write it, read it, discuss it, you name it! It’s a given that Jane Green, Emily Giffin and Sophie Kinsella are going to be at the top of my list. Oh! And Jen Lancaster! She is outstanding. She keeps me in stitches for days on end.

I like to mix things up, so I’ll throw in some mystery/thrillers, women’s fiction, science fiction and paranormal. But there are so many books and so little time! It’s for this reason I’m particularly thrilled to have so many amazing book bloggers to help me narrow down my choices. (Thank you, Bethany!)

And you know what happens? Every summer, I get about five or six new books in and then I reread my favorites. Whenever I boot up my Kindle, they call to me. Their happy little covers dance in front of my eyes, reminding me how much I enjoyed reading them the first (second, *ahem*, possibly third) time. That mockingjay pin always gets me! And then I want to visit Pemberley, swing by Hogwarts, head over to Green Gables and solve a mystery with the incomparable Hercule Poirot.

What’s a girl to do? How am I ever going to get to know The Girl on the Train? Or discover what the Big Little Lies are? And exactly who’s picking up a Career of Evil? Not to mention the bevy of incredible authors I’ve met along my writing journey. They’re quite the talented–and prolific–group. It’s simply impossible to keep up with them!

So, it seems I may need a little help in following through with my summer reading list. One day at a time, I’ll fight my battle to explore new material. Feel free to give me your recommendations in the comments section below! And while I may have trouble defining my own list, that doesn’t mean I don’t have anything good for you. I just happen to have a new book out which has been called “delightful” by more than one reader. (Can I get a woohoo?) Gamer Girl is a unique combination of chick lit and fantasy. The best of both worlds, one might say. See Bethany’s May 31st post for the skinny!

Struck by tragedy at an early age, Meri Palmer escaped into the only world she understood. Within the virtual realm of online gaming, she lived a life filled with mythical creatures and thrilling adventures, where she was strong, powerful, clever, and beautiful—everything she believed she wasn't in real life. As the years went by, her desire to cling to her cherished fantasyland only grew stronger.
But when Meri meets Morgan, equal parts gorgeous and goofball, she begins to wonder if the time has finally come to rejoin the so-called real world. Channeling the bravery of her fairy warrior alter ego, Meri slowly lets Morgan beyond the protective walls she’s built around her heart. Just as she finds a comfortable groove in an uncertain world, Morgan succumbs to insecurities of his own, leaving her lost and confused. Through her battle to regain her equilibrium, Meri will discover that even in reality, things aren’t always what they seem.
Will Meri win the battle raging in her heart and summon the will to rescue her knight in shining armor? Or will she give in to the fear and find her game over?

Glynis never expected in her wildest dreams to be a writer. After thirteen years in the Human Resources Industry, she decided to stay at home with her two amazing sons. Ever in search of a project, she was inspired to write the story of how, in only six short months, she met and married her wonderfully romantic French husband, Sebastien. The end result became her first novel, French Twist. As this was just the beginning of their epic love story, Glynis continued to chronicle their adventures in the sequel, French Toast, and the final installment in the series, French Fry. After she finished milking her life story for all it was worth, she decided to write straight-up fiction with Gamer Girl, which infuses her beloved chick lit with a hint of fantasy.
When Glynis is not writing, she is trying to keep the peace amongst the three men and two cats in her life, finding missing body parts (Lego pieces are small!), supervising a myriad of homework assignments and keeping a tenuous hold on her sanity by consuming whatever chocolate is in the vicinity.


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