Would you switch lives with someone you just met? Sabrina Monroe is
poised and ready for her future as Mrs. Todd Edward Blakely. Everything
seems perfect, but on the big day, suddenly she's not so sure. Her
nicely mapped out life ahead of her, she finds herself in her own movie
scene as the runaway bride, climbing out of the bathroom window. All she
can think is escape. Addison Bloom needs a life makeover. She's
travelled the world to find love--and failed. On her way back from yet
another friend's wedding, she starts to feel ill at the mere thought of
seeing another veil that's not hers. Should she go back home and marry
her former sweetheart, or stick it out looking for love in her new home?
Sabrina and Addison are both on the run, wanting to escape to a new
life. As the two strangers talk at an airport, discovering they have the
same job at opposite ends of the country, a crazy idea unfolds--one
which might provide the answers they've both been looking for. Is there
such a thing as a One Way Ticket to a new life, or will they find
they're running from themselves, not just the past?
I don’t understand why Addison isn’t back yet?” Mrs. Watson bristled. “There’s
something fishy going on here that you’re not telling me. If I didn’t know better, I would
guess Addison was in some kind of trouble.” She folded her arms tightly across her chest.
I could tell she was trying to intimidate Isabella into giving her information—and I
was glad to see it wasn’t working.
“Good morning, Mrs. Watson,” I said, interrupting the intense stare down she was
giving Isabella.
Mrs. Watson gave me a side-glance. “Are you still running this shop?”
Was this woman for real?
She acted like she was shocked to see me, which was completely ridiculous. We’d
had several conversations since I had taken over Blooms. I’ve now done a few different
floral orders for her, and each time I’d felt extremely relieved she didn’t complain.
Maybe she was looking for something to complain about?
I got the feeling Addison spent quite a lot of time coddling her, and Mrs. Watson
obviously enjoyed the attention.
“Yes, I am,” I replied, jutting out my chin in defiance.
She narrowed her eyes at me. Her platinum blonde hair was teased extra high today,
and her choice of outfit didn’t disappoint. She was wearing a peacock feather print jacket
along with peacock blue polyester pants. I tried to drag my gaze away from her . . . err
“creative” ensemble.
“Hmm . . . I’m starting to think I should notify the authorities. Addison wouldn’t
leave her shop this long unless something bad had happened.”
What is she talking about?
“Mrs. Watson, as I’ve told you before, Addison is fine. You don’t need to be
concerned about her. I’m more than happy to assist you with anything you need.”
Isabella opened her laptop, causing a horrified gasp to escape from Mrs. Watson’s
mouth. I noticed her clench her fists as she stared at the innocent electronic device. I
knew she thought computers were “the devil,” but what exactly did she think was going
to happen?
Maybe she expected an alien to reach out and drag her into the screen?
“Why don’t you come with me and we can review your order for this week?” I
suggested, steering her away from where Isabella sat, typing away on the keyboard.
Isabella obviously had no problem passing the high-maintenance woman off to me.
After several minutes of reassuring Mrs. Watson that Addison hadn’t been abducted
by aliens, been murdered, or run away with a convicted felon, I was able to review her
floral order. She did mention that Faye Stanley had been using Fuchsia Flowers and Gifts
for all her floral-design needs but that she was staying loyal to Blooms—for now.
I still had no idea who this infamous Faye Stanley was. I assumed she was Mrs.
Watson’s friend, but probably more along the lines of the women my mother associated
with. In other words, they pretended to like each other but gossiped about the other
behind one another’s backs.
When she finally left the shop, I let out a huge sigh. I had plenty of experience
dealing with difficult customers, but they were at my shop. This was Addi’s shop, and I
would feel terrible if I was the cause of her losing an important customer.
About Kate O’Keeffe

She is a wife, a mother, and a chocolate expert. Seriously. She loves to
read, to hang out with friends, and to hike up the big hill behind her
house each day.
To date, she’s written the Amazon bestselling chick lit series, the Cozy
Cottage Café, the Wellywood Romantic Comedy Series, a fun holiday
novella, and co-authored One Way Ticket with fellow author, Melissa
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When she isn’t deep in the writing zone, this multi-tasking master
organizer is busy spending time with her family, chauffeuring her
daughter, traveling, running, indulging in fitness, and taking a Disney
Cruise every now and then.

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